LCC K-9 Comfort Dog Amos
Amos is a pure bred Golden Retriever. He was the first Comfort Dog in Virginia and is hoping to serve people all over the DC Metropolitan area.
Amos has received over 2000 hours of training and is no ordinary dog. He is able to visit people in long-term care facilities, memory care facilities, hospice care, hospitals, schools, offices and in the community. Furthermore, Amos' team includes a retired police officer and a veteran, who provides ministry opportunities with first responders.
If you're interested in having an Amos visit, please email
For more information and a greater look into Amos' training, the training of Amos' team and the scope of his work check out Capital Comfort.
Amos' ministry is based solely on donations. Please consider donating (specify "Comfort Dog" in the memo field). Would you rather purchase something for Amos? Check out his Wish List.
Join us! Are you called to comfort? We welcome you to talk to any team member or reach out to us at
Team Amos Updates
June 2024
May 2024
April 2024
March 2024
February 2024
June 26, 2024 - Armed Force Retirement Home in Washington, D.C.
Through God’s plan, Amos has a new opportunity to serve those who have given so much to our nation. Recently, Amos and his veteran handler went to visit the residents at the Armed Forces Retirement Home in Washington, DC. This beautiful facility and grounds have served our nation’s enlisted military personnel since 1851.
Everyone was so friendly and happy to see Amos! His handlers sat and talked with residents and listened as they shared stories. It was a blessing getting to know them, and we are excited to return and see them again!
It’s a joy to share God’s love and honor these heroes for their service!
June 19, 2024 - Summer Kick Off at Open Arms
Amos helped kick off summer with the staff and students of Open Arms last week! It is bittersweet to say goodbye to our friends when the school year ends, but we had a blast hugging each other and meeting parents and friends. We pray for safe, summer fun and rest for all.

June 12, 2024 - Shreveport Apartments
Amos enjoyed being invited to meet new friends at Shreveport Apartments in Brambleton last week, where the OSW Outreach committee helped kick off their summer programming.
Together we were present to share Jesus' love with our neighbors. Many of them enjoyed hanging out with Amos and the comfort that he provided. It was a fun way to get to know each other better and talk about the exciting things ahead for the summer.
June 5, 2024 - Summer Break
Amos and the team have been spending extra time with their school friends this week because we will miss them so much during the summer break.
Our loving father has led us to so many wonderful educators and students. We are truly blessed to be able to share His love with them!
May 29, 2024 - Team Amos Meeting
Team Amos's next monthly team meeting is on Monday, June 3rd. We will make plans for the lighter summer schedule and pray about our availability for the fall. We will discuss the ways we can encourage volunteers to join our ministry and brainstorm how we can sustain and grow our reach to those in need.
If you hear God calling you to serve His people, we are ready to welcome you to Team Amos. Talk to a handler or
"In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16
May 22, 2024 - Honor Flight of the Appalachian Highlands
Team Amos had an amazing weekend welcoming Honor Flight veterans. On Friday evening we welcomed 25 local heroes arriving by bus on the Honor Flight of the Appalachian Highlands. They were so touched to see us waiting to greet them when they arrived at their hotel. We enjoyed fellowship with them as we helped unload luggage and take it up to their rooms.
On Saturday morning we welcomed 115 veterans arriving on the Stars and Stripes Honor Flight from Milwaukee. Kezia Comfort Dog and I congratulated the 10,000th veteran that this hub has flown to DC to see their war memorials. That’s an amazing accomplishment!
>p?We are honored to be able to hug, shake hands, and thank these veterans who sacrificed and served our country.

May 15, 2024 - Teacher Appreciation Week
Amos was delighted to shower teachers with love and comfort during Teacher Appreciation Week at the schools he visits. We encountered many smiles and shared happy moments as teachers took a much-deserved break to refill their buckets. For the teachers who were having a challenging day, we were a bright spot to remind them that they are appreciated. We thank God for the many ways that educators give of themselves each day!

May 8, 2024 - Inland Northwest Honor Flight
On Tuesday, April 30th, Amos and his veteran handler were honored to walk alongside four Korean War veterans and 85 Vietnam War veterans who traveled to DC on the Inland Northwest Honor Flight. Isaac Comfort Dog traveled with the veterans from eastern Washington, and Kezia Comfort Dog and Amos met them in DC at the memorials dedicated to honoring their service and sacrifice.
The veterans arrived at the Vietnam Memorial prepared to look for the names of their lost comrades on the wall. As they recalled their service, they shared stories with us and the memories stirred deep emotions. Several of the veterans told us how grateful they were to be able to experience this trip.
Honor Flight trips are a healing process for our nation’s heroes, and it is a true privilege to share Jesus’s love with our war veterans. God Bless our veterans!

May 1, 2024 - Be Well Wellness Fair
Amos was recently invited to the Be Well Wellness Fair for students and staff at Howard University in DC. We helped the University Counseling Services team spread the word about the importance of mental health and the value of therapy and counseling services, which are free to Howard students.
The students thanked us for being there and shared stories and pictures of their own pets that they missed so much. It was a happy break from the stress of their day, and they truly enjoyed petting Amos. The counselors pointed out that the positive feelings people get from petting Amos have the same benefits and impact as getting counseling and self-care. Many of the students said this was just what they needed before heading into final exams. God placed us there to bring love and comfort to His people in need.

April 24, 2024 - Baltimore, Maryland
On Tuesday, Amos was in Baltimore to join Kezia Comfort Dog for a prayer service for the victims, families, first responders, and all who were affected by the Key Bridge disaster. Pastor Miguel Torniere led a beautiful service in Spanish and English. He reminded us of the power of prayer in our lives and how our Father wants to communicate with us.
As we prayed for the loss of the six men, we were reminded that, even in the darkness, Christ is with us. Afterward, we signed Hearts of Mercy and Compassion, which will be delivered to the families of the victims. The hearts on the crosses are a tangible sign that others are praying for them and that God is with them. We ask God to be with loved ones, friends, and all who mourn this disaster.
April 17, 2024 - King of Glory, Williamsburg, Virginia
Amos and his handlers traveled to King of Glory in Williamsburg, Virginia, this past weekend to work alongside Solomon Comfort Dog, bringing comfort and love to the attendees at this year's Southeastern District, LCMS Middle School Youth Retreat. We look forward to seeing the middle schoolers each year and make sure that we have plenty of time for hugs and sharing Jesus's love. Their energy and joy at being raised in Christ (this year's retreat theme) is awesome! When the students left for their offsite activity, Teams Amos and Solomon went out into the community to share Jesus's love. The weather was beautiful in Colonial Williamsburg, and God sent many people to feel Jesus's loving presence through us.
April 10, 2024 - Our Savior's Way
On Sunday, we wished Pastor Tyson safe travels and God's blessings as he follows God's direction to a new church and congregation. We are comforted to know that this is God's call, and as faithful servants, we will find blessings in this change, too.
Pastor Tyson was one of the first members of Our Savior's Way to meet Amos Comfort Dog when we traveled to Northbrook, Illinois in September 2018 to bring Amos and the Comfort Dog Ministry to our church. We have since shared many memories and experiences that will remain in our hearts.
We are blessed by our time with Pastor Tyson. Even in saying our goodbyes we are assured that God goes before us, and we are thankful for His faithfulness in our lives.
April 3, 2024 - Off Time for Play
When you read the weekly updates on everything Team Amos does, Amos may seem very busy. However, we ensure he has plenty of downtime when he is not working. And when he completes any work, he receives a reward.
The reward is a special time between the handler and Amos, during which they will either play together or Amos will receive a massage. This reward helps to build the bond between the handler and Amos as they entrust God to fulfill His Will among the people and lift the weight of their visits off their shoulders as they share love and appreciation for each other.

A typical visit with Amos looks and feels like a hug. When we go out, the Holy Spirit works with us to serve God's people, so that they may feel his sweet and loving embrace through us.
Our ministry needs more volunteers. There are many ways our ministry can incorporate the gifts and talents of our congregation to serve the community and our greatest need is for volunteers who can serve as Ministry Partners.
Ministry Partners Description
- Are the Hands and Feet of Jesus to those who are in need
- Goes out with the Handler and Amos
- Does not handle the dog
- Interacts with others, listen, and pray with them while we share Jesus’s love
- Serves flexible hours (typically 1-3 hours for a visit)
- Are especially needed for weekdays/school hours
Let us answer any questions you have about joining Team Amos! Talk to a team member or email

March 13, 2024 - River Bend Middle School
On Friday, we received a call from the LCPS district mental health team to support River Bend Middle School in Sterling, VA, as they grieve the unexpected loss of a beloved 8th-grade math teacher, Monica Ashworth, who was 27 years old. Monica suffered a medical emergency just two weeks after giving birth to her first baby.
Ministry volunteers from team Amos, Kezia (Emmanuel, Baltimore), and Solomon (King of Glory, Williamsburg) rearranged their schedules to be present for the hurting and confused staff and students as they returned to school on Monday morning.
The dogs provided a bridge to connection and healing. As we sat with more than 400 students and staff, we felt God's loving presence that enabled us to care for one another. Several students looked at us and said, "Thank you for coming here." These young teens truly felt seen, loved, and supported.

March 6, 2024 - Bull Run Elementary School
Twice a month, we visit students and staff at Bull Run Elementary in Fairfax County. Whether it's the name "Amos" we hear called from a classroom, a smiling face that approaches, or a stairway full of passing students who come to a halt to pet him, it is clear that Amos's presence is felt schoolwide.
Before leaving we always linger to talk to the office staff and, this time, one of them shared that she recently lost her father who lived in Ashburn. She said he had been at Ashby Ponds but had transferred to Maple Grove for his last days. We told her that Amos has weekly visits to Maple Grove on the floor where her father was, and we saw her begin to tear up with joy. We don’t know if Amos was ever able to visit her father while he was there, but just the thought of that possibility was a visible comfort to her, and she was overcome with emotion and the idea that we were there comforting people like her father meant the world to her. In this experience, God reminds us that every time we go out as His hands and feet, we are sharing Jesus's love more than we may ever realize.

February 28, 2024 - Serving Loudoun County Public Schools
The Amos, Kezia, and Solomon Comfort Dog teams served Loudoun County Public Schools for three days last week following the Sterling community tragedy. The affected schools invited us to provide support to students and staff who were experiencing shock, fear, and loss.
The presence of the comfort dogs created a safe environment for reassurance and comfort. We see people as God sees them, and by putting them first and leaning into His purpose for our lives, we hope to help others come to know Jesus as well.
Team Amos welcomes compassionate individuals who wish to answer the call to serve their community. Join us as we share the mercy, compassion, and presence of Jesus Christ to those suffering and in need. Speak to any team member to learn more or reach out to us at

February 21, 2024 - Prayer for our community in hurt
We are hurting over the news of Friday's home explosion in our community. Our hearts are broken for Trevor Brown's family, his wife, and three young children, who are in our prayers, along with the four injured first responders who have a long road of recovery ahead. We pray for God to give His strength and healing to those who are hurting and to all the heroes who volunteer to keep us safe.
Amos's friends at Meadowlands Elementary live and work in the neighborhood of the explosion, and they are close to our hearts. We were there on Tuesday to comfort them as they returned from the long weekend, joined by Kezia Comfort Dog (Emmanuel, Baltimore) and Solomon Comfort Dog (King of Glory, Williamsburg) to help share love and hope. We also visited the elementary school of the three children who lost their brave father and the middle school where one of the injured firefighters is a teacher. We will go wherever God calls us to be to show Jesus's love in action.
"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." Psalm 46:1

February 14, 2024 - Happy Valentine's Day
Today, as we celebrate Valentine's Day and mark the beginning of Lent, let us remember the great love we have received in Jesus, and how we can easily share this love with others. Through our compassion and love, we show our neighbors who Jesus is and that He is present in their lives just as He is present in ours.
Happy Valentine's Day from Team Amos!