New Membership

How to Become a Member of Our Savior's Way Lutheran Church

  1. Worship with the people of Our Savior's Way on Sundays at 8:00, 9:30 or 11:00 AM.
  2. Attend a six-week online class called GROWING IN FAITH.
  3. You may also transfer from another Lutheran church by having a transfer letter sent from your former church to Our Savior's Way.
  4. Those who wish to join are invited to attend a First Connect meeting with the staff of Our Savior's Way to learn more about our church and how to be connected to people as well as opportunities to serve.
  5. All new members are received into membership by confession of faith in a worship service. If you are a new Christian and need the sacrament of Baptism, please contact the church office and request to speak to a pastor.

If you have questions about the life and ministry of Our Savior's Way, please call the church office at 703-858-9254 or fill out an Information Request.

For more information contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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Our Savior's Way Lutheran Church
43115 Waxpool Road. Ashburn, VA 20148