How to Become a Member of Our Savior's Way Lutheran Church
- Worship with the people of Our Savior's Way on Sundays at 8:00, 9:30 or 11:00 AM.
- Attend a six-week online class called GROWING IN FAITH.
- You may also transfer from another Lutheran church by having a transfer letter sent from your former church to Our Savior's Way.
- Those who wish to join are invited to attend a First Connect meeting with the staff of Our Savior's Way to learn more about our church and how to be connected to people as well as opportunities to serve.
- All new members are received into membership by confession of faith in a worship service. If you are a new Christian and need the sacrament of Baptism, please contact the church office and request to speak to a pastor.
If you have questions about the life and ministry of Our Savior's Way, please call the church office at 703-858-9254 or fill out an Information Request.
For more information contact